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Posts Tagged ‘server’

New Maidenhead, UK server added

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

This is just a quick note that a new Maidenhead, United Kingdom located server, UK14, has just been added to our network. You can connect to it either via our Identity Cloaker application(s), OpenVPN, L2TP over IPSec or PPTP VPN.

If you experience any issues with the new server, please contact our customer support.


New servers available

Monday, May 9th, 2011

As you may have noticed, there have been new servers added to our network recently. Due to high demand, we have added an Australian server as well as a Swiss one. Both servers are performing as expected and any customer with a valid subscription can use them now.

We have also added another server with Irish and Italian IPs as some customers have reported the Irish IPs on our older Irish server were not detected properly on some websites. In less than a month we also expect to have available some Spanish and perhaps also Portuguese IP addresses, however, this depends mostly on the demand.

Also, I would like to apologize for not posting enough updates lately. We are developing a new version of Identity Cloaker and time has been very limited.

Tomorrow, I will post an update about other issues, some good news for our customers so do not worry 😉

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