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Helpdesk problems and a personal apology

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Dear customers and potential customers!

Some of you may have experienced problems with long delays in your support tickets resolutions and/or emails being replied to late, and in some situations it is even possible some support tickets and emails have not been replied to at all.

I consider this situation unacceptable and please rest assured we do know about this problem and it is being worked on. While there is more than one reason for the delays, the most important one is that Identity Cloaker has been growing fast recently, and there is simply not an adequate number of customer support technicians available.

I believe we have found a suitable customer support candidate who will begin working for us very soon, hopefully within a week. Then either before the end of this year or in January/February next year, we plan to hire an additional technician.

However, I understand that the late replies may have caused serious inconvenience for our valued customers, so I have decided to compensate everyone who has experienced this problem.

Any customer, or a potential customer, whose support email (including pre-sale queries) or a helpdesk ticket, has not been replied to in less than 24 hours, will receive a complimentary one month subscription to Identity Cloaker.

Any customer, or a potential customer, whose support email (including pre-sale queries) or a helpdesk ticket, has not been replied to in less than one week, will receive a complementary two months subscription to Identity Cloaker. Also, in this case the support ticket or email is considered lost (very likely due to a technical problem) so we will need the support query to be resent.

I will post more details on how to proceed in the next days, please do not send the requests yet as it would only delay our current customer support.

I would also like to personally apologize for what has happened and believe that we will be able to resolve this issue soon.

Best regards,

Tomas France
IdentityCloaker.com Administrator

P.S. I will also email our customers as I understand not everyone reads our blog.

Temporary support ticket delays

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

Some of you may have experienced delays in replying to your support tickets and emails. I would like to personally apologize for the inconvenience. We will be very soon implementing a completely new professional grade helpdesk system that should make customer support much more effective, the new helpdesk software will be implemented within the next week.

Thank you for your understanding!

New Helpdesk/Knowledgebase being worked on

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Due to the fact we have outgrown our current helpdesk system and because of the technical problems reported with it, a completely new “best on the market” helpdesk system will be implemented over the next few days.

I would also like to apologize to anyone who had to wait for their customer support emails to be replied to longer than usual and believe the new helpdesk system, combined with knowledgebase, will improve the customer experience significantly.

Tomas France
IdentityCloaker.com Administrator

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