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Windows 10 compatibility – UPDATE

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

Both Identity Cloaker and Identity Cloaker Portable now work with Windows 10 normally, including its built-in OpenVPN functionality. The only exception is still the new EDGE web browser – it cannot be cloaked when using the standard Identity Cloaker application, the Portable version, however, does cloak it.

The EDGE problem is being worked on but requires a significant change in the code of the Identity Cloaker application. All other web browsers work with Identity Cloaker without any reported issues.


Problem with Hotmail and Verizon emails

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

Dear customers,

We have been informed about problems with delivering emails to hotmail.com, hotmail.co.uk and outlook.com email addresses. Our emails are often sent to the spam/junk folders. Please check your junk folder and ideally, inform Microsoft they should not block our emails.

We are currently also experiencing problems with the Verizon email accounts. Unfortunately, those are blocked completely so you will not receive our emails at all.

We have already contacted Verizon but they refuse to unblock our SMTP email server, sending back canned responses stating nonsense reasons for the blacklisting.

Please check your email address in your account profile to a different one if possible.

We apologize for the complications. Unfortunately, many email providers believe in aggressive spam blocking that often results in blocking many non-spam emails.

If you do not receive your welcome email with account credentials or other emails you expect from us, please contact support@identitycloaker.com as soon as possible.


P.S. While we have some privacy concerns about Gmail email in general, they have proven to be very reliable compared to, for example, the above mentioned Hotmail/Outlook.com accounts.


UPDATE: The email problem should be resolved now, we switched to a different email server and emails should be now delivered reliably again.


Seven years in business!

Friday, September 4th, 2015

Just a quick note Today.

Seven years ago, on 4th September 2008, Identity Cloaker was launched to public, after 18 months of development. It has been great experience for everyone involved and I am looking forward to serve our customers many more years 🙂


Windows 10 compatibility

Saturday, August 1st, 2015

There are currently some compatibility issues with Windows 10 and Identity Cloaker. While the standard version of Identity Cloaker does work with Windows 10, it is currently unable to “cloak” the new web browser called “Edge”. Firefox, Google Chrome and other popular web browsers are being cloaked properly still, however.

We are also investigating some OpenVPN issues. Identity Cloaker Portable does work with no problems reported. Please be assured we are working on the problems mentioned.

(The OpenVPN issues have been resolved)

At this time it may be a good idea to wait before upgrading to Windows 10 as the operating system is very new and experience based on other Microsoft products suggests it may be best to wait a few months before upgrading, to give Microsoft time to fix the most pressing bugs and give vendors time to adapt their applications.


New Identity Cloaker review available

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Just a quick note for those interested what others are saying about Identity Cloaker – a new independent Identity Cloaker review now available at:



Malwarebytes false positive detection

Friday, June 26th, 2015

It has come to our attention that Malwarebytes has recently started finding a supposed infection in the latest Identity Cloaker application version (confirmed for version 2.0.65 but other versions may be affected too). Please be assured there is NO infection in the Identity Cloaker files.

The problem is on the Malwarebytes side and it is a so called “false positive” detection. The issue has been confirmed by Malwarebytes support and we expect it will be resolved in the next Malwarebytes update.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please feel free to contact our customer support if concerned.


CA3 server problems

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

We are experiencing technical issues with our Canada based CA3 server. Unfortunately, we do not know the details or when/if it will be fixed as the hosting company support is simply not communicating with us.

If possible, please use the CA2 server for now.

UPDATE: CA3 server working now, though hosting company support non-existent still. Feel free to use the CA3 server now, however.


New server in Austria and new Identity Cloaker version

Sunday, May 24th, 2015

New server in Vienna, Austria has just been fully installed and tested.

Also, a new updated version of the Identity Cloaker application for Windows is available. It should be offered automatically when you launch the application. It includes small bug fixes as well as important improvements. While it’s not mandatory to install the new version, it is advisable. Identity Cloaker Portable as well as the OS X version has not been updated.


New server locations – Norway and Portugal

Monday, January 26th, 2015

Two new servers have been ordered Today. One in Oslo, Norway and another one in Lisbon, Portugal. Both servers are expected to be online and fully available later this week, hopefully on Friday or Saturday.

We will be also adding more locations in the next weeks, Austria and Las Vegas, US are currently our priority. If you need a server in another location too, please contact our customer support and it will be considered, based on demand and costs.


Important EU VAT change in 2015

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

Starting Tomorrow, 1st January 2015, the way VAT is calculated for our European Union located customers will change. Until now we had to add 21% VAT to all EU customers as the VAT rate in Czech Republic, where our company is registered and located is 21%.

In 2015 this will change, however. The VAT will be based on the standard VAT rate in the country of the customer, as selected in the order form. For most customers the difference will be negligible, although customers in the more “socialistic” countries will have to pay more.

Please keep in mind this change is required by new EU laws and we hate it as much as any other EU merchant as it adds significant complexity to already complicated tax laws.

Standard VAT rates in EU countries (plus Monaco which shares EU VAT laws with France) are as below:

Austria          20%
Belgium          21%
Bulgaria          20%
Croatia            25%
Cyprus          19%
Czech Republic         21%
Denmark          25%
Estonia          20%
Finland          24%
France          20%
Germany          19%
Greece          23%
Hungary          27%
Ireland          23%
Italy              22%
Latvia          21%
Lithuania          21%
Luxembourg          15%
Malta              18%
Monaco (French VAT)    20%
Netherlands          21%
Poland          23%
Portugal          23%
Romania          24%
Slovakia          20%
Slovenia          22%
Spain              21%
Sweden          25%
United Kingdom        20%


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